The Farm Horse 2, by Joseph Jimenez



Once Upon a Time there was a horse named cattle . His Best friend was named  cattleya He went to play with his best friend After that They ate horse food They went to a big race he won the race he was very happy after that they went back to the barn they ate horse food For dinner After that they went to bed After that they ate horse food  After that They went to horse School after that They were super good horses they got to watch Peppa Pig videos after that He made a new best friend A few months later a bear came along he ate his new best friend After that a hunter came along and After that the a Bobcat  the Hunter Shot the bobcat After that they ate horse food for lunch They went to the field for the big race The other horses looked very fast  He was very fast He got second place After that they run back to the barn and then they saw a baby birdie It was very cute they left it alone Then they went to play once when they were done They went to see what was going on during the night and the morning After that they ate a horse food And then they played after that Is this magical thing Came along he said you have to jump out of an airplane or lose your parents so he jumped out of an airplane race with a parachute his parents were very happy After that they back to the barn This time they got hay after that they went to go play they played for 30 minutes They went to the big and Final Race he got first place He won a big Trophy After that he Shot all the farm dogs And then They ate hay After that then went to go to school They were very good horses And then they went to go play The people watched tv They played in the garden And then they slept during the night And then they ate hay for breakfast And then they went to a party after the party they started playing again They played race his best friend won The race The people kept watching TV the people were very Lazy So they Got new owners and these owners Love them so much when they got to the new barn they love them super much so he gave them hay The horses got in a war With the farm dogs They kept shooting each other the farm horses won the war! And then they went back home The owners rode on their back This was actually fun for the horses also fed them hay And then the people play kbaseball they were very jerky so They got New owners The other owners got fired And then The new owners got Fired They had to get new owner These new Owner Actually Loved them so they got to eat hay And then they played And then they went to Horse School And then they went to a  big Park and then they played at the park and then they came home and then a couple days later they went to her school again And then they went  back to the barn and then they played in their yard His best friend needed glasses There were blue ones there were orange ones there were pink ones He got the orange ones The orange ones broke so he got the pink ones And then the pink ones broke again Then he got the blue ones then they went to the park again And then they ate Hey, And then they went to a big race His worst enemy Hercules was there he ended up getting first place He got a big Trophy And then they went back to the barn to play once they were done playing, they went to eat hay in the barn and Then They went on a walk After the walk they back to the barn And then they ate hay and Then they went to play once they were done playing They went on a another Walk After the walk they went home he said I like baseball his parents said we like football so they kept arguing which one was better and then a big truck took his parents away and then his parents were tucking to jail He found a way To get his parents back he snuck into jail and got his parents out he and his parents were very happy for being a good horse they gave him horse treats And then he took him on a walk It was 8:30 when they came home And then they went to bed And then they ate hay for breakfast And then he took  he took him to a park when it was time to come home They played for 1 hour and 30 minutes And then they went home to playThey had to hurry up because they had to go to a big horse race the people drove them there in the car Once they were there The race Started This time he got 5th Place He was very sada And the horse Hercules who got first said, “feet feet in your face! feet feet in your face!”So he kicked Hercules He hated Hercules more than the smelly diapers He went home in 5th Place And then he played at home He said Hercules I am sick of your attitude he challenged Hercules to a rematch He won the rematch he Said feet feet in your face feet feet in your face And he also won a big trophy He was very glad he went home very happy when they were home They played games And then they hay after the big Race Hercules was PO’ed at Cattle. Cattle was PO’ed at Hercules. Hercules challenged him to another rematch. He won the rematch again he won a Another giant trophy hercules was a big jerk To be honest He did not care And then he was taken to prison Cattle Had to find a way out He found a way out his parent’s were glad so they took him to a park once They were done playing They had to come home for dinner for dinner the people had meat while the horses eat hay Once they were done eating they went to bed When it was morning his parents woke him up and then they went on a little boat ride when the boat ride was over They went to a little shack they Bought hay at the shack And then they came home When they were home, They played race His best friend Got first His father got second place his mother got third place he got last place And then They had to Get New Owners because these owners are very sloppy Right when they got to the new barn The barn man fed them hay And he was burning A man So they had to get new owners again these owners were actually good And then The people took them to a park and then When they done playing  they went back to the barn to eat  hay and then they went to go play And then they went to a giant horse race there was a hundred and fifty horses he ended up getting tenth place But he still  Gets a trophy because he was in the top 10  and then the top 10 horses were in a Race he got first place in that race he won another trophy And then they went back to the barn to eat hay after the big rase And then they played games And then they went to a park and then they came home to ate and when they were done playing they came home And then they when to a big field For a horse race he was in the race Chapter 2 the grand race and then the race started he was he was very  fast But he got 5th place But he was in the top 10 and the top 10 Racers were in another rase He got first place Hercules was POed He won a Big trophy Again Hercules was mad Cattle Was happy they took him out for ice cream it was very good and then they went back to the barn to eat hay Afterward And this big truck took his parents away again He found a way to get his pants back his parents were very glad and happy and then they went home to play   games And then they went to horse school They were very good horses So they got to eat horse treats And then they went to a Giant horse race He got 11th Place he just noticed something Evereve race  he dead he got worse and then they went back to the barn to eat hay and then And then  they went to the horse games it was a big race  and the winners do another rase of the top 10 and then the winner of the top 10 Race When's a trophy and then the race has started he won the first race he got second place on the last race but he still won a medal and the donkey won the Trophy he was mad but he came home on the way home he ate hay Then and they went to a big field A hunter came along there was four big booms his parents were worried 30 minutes later He came back to the barn and then he ate hey and then he went to the big horse race for once again he got first place he won a big trophy second-place got a ribbon third place Was Hercules Hercules won a Bag of horse food 4th Place when a coin out of a hundred racers And then he came back to the barn to eat hay and then he went to bed  the next morning he went to horse School After school they bought a boat And then they went on a boat ride His mother got sick 4 weeks ago when his mom was sick at 7 p.m. when his mom died they went to an island they stole the son and father thay ran into the forest and then they went back on the boat to go home when they got home it was 7 p.m. and they ate hay for dinner And then they fought in war his dad died but he escaped they ended up losing the war And then he played with his friend The farm dog  and then he went to his friend the farm dog show it was a thing Where dogs chase sheep he got second place In the game so he got a nice shiny blue ribbon And then he came back to his owner by this time cattle was 15 and a half His cousin cataleya got heartburn and passed away  cuz she was always bossing him around And then he got new owners and a New Barn He was happy these owners actually took them on walks but he wanted another job So he was a police horse He was a good police horse 3 1/2 months later He got fired he got fired for accidentally shooting a duck and he thought it was a robber He was a very dumb horse  and then he went home From an exhausting day He was very mad And his owner says stop you grumpy horse so he got new owners These owners were actually nice and then they went to pick up his friends the farm dog from his job cattle said I wish I could get a job like that and then something caught his mind maybe I could fight in the war like that time when I fought in the War with my dad He figured it was too dangerous so he did not fight in the war but then what could he do He's going to try one more time to pull carriages this time he just Went and didn't stop and then they did not whip him he was glad after work And then he went back to the Barn To eat hay He was sick and tired of eating hay this time they got him horse food And then he went to horse school He had an okay day at school and then he came home He did not like Math But he did like playing with his friends that was the only part of school he liked And then he went to another big race he got second place he did not take his ribbon because he had another rase to go to Hercules was in this race he was mad but hopefully he could win he had confidence he got first place cattle was happy this time he took his reward A big shiny trophy will Hercules Got second place he won a blue ribbon he was very mad he wanted to get first place but that did not happen He challenged cattle To another rase This time it was a tie Hercules was mad so they both won a ribbon and then he went back to the barn to eat hay And then he went on a walk after the walk he road on cattles back And then he went to bed after that during the morning the man sat down to watch TV Will cattle saw his friend It was his best friend He took her out to a park at night time he invited her to dinner she was happy It was time for her to go he was okay though and then it was night time He had to sleep in the barn the barn was okay It was morning he ate horse food for breakfast he woke up at 6:30 am He ate breakfast at 6:45 he woke up so early because he had a race at 7:30 he was so tired he got 5th Place He did not get a prize He went to the park and then came on for a cruise on a boat to cattle the cruise was Boring but for his parents it was exciting and then they went home he wanted to find a job shouldhe be a Salesman No that's a job for a person Maybe I will have people ride on my back that's a perfect job a couple months later he got fired he was mad he was angry he had fifties with his mom He said I don't think I want a job anymore then they went back to the barn to eat hay for dinner Now it was bedtime and now it is morning a strange thing happened in the morning a hunter was out His x-boyfriend Came over to play they had a pretend race in front yard A couple of days later the hunter came back his -X boyfriend got shot Cattle was sad But at least he still had his best friend To play with them And then he went to his last day of Horse School for the year cattle was happy After his day of school Cattle went back to the barn with his dad to eat hay for dinner but it was bedtime now cattle was very sleepy same with his dad and his mom at the morning he came over to his best friend's houseTo play and that night For dinner cattle was happy His best friend was happy his girlfriend was named Rosie His boyfriend was named Tom And that night They had a big horse party everyone was glad there was cake Is there was Balloons And there was present 

all for everyone Chapter 3 Cattle’s birthday Then he fed them hay They did not like hay anymore Now we started feeding them horse food One day it was cattle’s birthday There was presents and everything That one day cattle turned 16 and then he went to go play with his friend the farm dog It was very fun but he had to go to the race cattle was nervous cattle got 6th Place He did not win anything but then he went home two-play games well the people watched TV he Ended up getting new owner cattle Was sick and tired Getting new owners cattle was sick and tired of eating hay to But he had to deal with it he wanted horse food again because he did not like hay anymore it was to bad everyone in cattle’s family died The end Be ready for the farm dog 


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